Professional learning networks or PLN's for short are great way for educators to stay up to date with the current data in education. Sometimes teachers get bored teaching the same way and want new ways to engage their students. You might need a new strategy to help with behavior problems or just needs to vent and want some advice on a difficult situation. So, being a part a network where fellow teachers have the opportunity to share and learn from each other can be really beneficial (Poth, 2023). A lot of these netwaork have a community chat where they can ask questions and hear responses from other teachers. Most of the networks are content or grade focused so you can find the group that shares the same area of experise as you. As a coach I want to continue to deepen your pedagogical knowledge, finding ways to integrate technology into the classroom. Trying to share ways in which teachers can stay connected.

Not only can you participate in a learning network but you can also start your own, many place on the internet host networks where teachers can start a blog talking about a certain subject. There are also links to enriching online websites. You can also lead the topics you want to discuss by posting thought proviking material to catch the other teacher attention. Take a look at some of the link and try them out.